Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Audience Participation

The TV networks need to remember they make shows for regular people. These viewers become invested in the programming they watch. They make fan sites, they read and write blogs, they read forums, go to conventions, gossip to family and friends about their favorite shows, buy magazines, DVD’s, collectibles, and more. What they don’t do is sit raptly at the boob tube watching commercials. I don’t care what the Nielsen ratings say. If they don’t get the show from some other source or DVR it, they use commercial time for anything but watching the commercials. The Networks, show producers, and anyone that sells advertisement for the expressed purpose of funding TV programming will have to get the audiences more involved. They need to get a larger percentage of fans to take an active interest in the life of the TV program. If they can, they will sell far more advertisement than they currently do. Also, this will have the affect of allowing shows with lower ratings the ability to compete with the high scoring, low cost, reality TV shows.

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